Monday, May 30, 2005

Jacie said good bye to her apartment as she moved back home for the summer.

Or front walk with flowers and flags.

Our front porch

The back porch

Some Memorial Day pictures.........

Jeannie looks so nice in her summer skirt

On Memorial Day morning, Jeannie and I went out and bought some flowers to plant.

It looked like it went right over our house

Jeannie and I visited Sheboygan Falls on Friday. On the way home we had a short heavy rain and then the sun came back out. We were blessed with a beautiful rainbow.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

As the years go by, there are points in everyones life where recognition is due. Justin Dain Hein, you have accomplished so much. Your Mom, your Dad, James, John and Jacie are all so proud of you. Since you were a little boy, you've had the desire and the drive to reach great heights. Your family has watched with pride as you have climbed that ladder. Becoming an attorney is a significant step, one that required determination and dedication. You have shown the world that you've got what it takes to clear this tremendous hurdle. Congratuations Justin! With all of our love, your family, Jacie, John, James, Mom and (even though it is hard to believe sometimes, "the person who wants you to succeed the most and your biggest fan") Your Dad

James, Jacie and John, State Street, Madison

Paige, Evan and Lynly enjoy a Wisconsin evening on State Street.

Jacie and John pose for the camera

While James gets into some deep conversation.

Justin and John select some tunes

Let's not forget little sister

Three Hein boys, three old fashions, what a combination...


Going, going .............

Ready, set, ...........

Justin passes out the Jagerbombs

Checking out the views

Inside the the Halls of Law

Justin and Paige contemplate their future

The Graduates

Justin and John

Justin in front of the Law School

The graduates - on the terrace

The Saunders family on graduation day

Paige with her Mom and Dad

The Hein Family all together

We are so proud of our son

The graduates

Justin Dain Hein, Attorney at Law

The family looks on with pride

Justin and Paige receive their hoods

Moments before the hooding ceremony

The speeches were all excellent

Paige and Justin walked in together

In line for the processional...

We were at the Monona Terrace

Let's get this ceremony started

Justin was happy that the day had arrived

Graduation day has finally arrived for Justin and Paige

Jeana joins in

Acting smart

Justin and Jacie show off their tie dye originals