Friday, March 25, 2005

We all had to say goodbye to John. We will all miss him a ton. After our visit to LA, we can see what he likes about the area but it's still hard to say goodbye. We will see you in May at Justin and Paige's graduation

Five heads are better than one

James and the girls

Dustin gets Jacie's dad a beer (ya right)

Dustin and John

John and Paige

Jacie and Paige

Dustin and Paige

All the kids



Fun Pictures

One more of the family

The Queen and her court

The King of California

Pile on James

Nice picture, too bad Dad had to wash a stain off his shirt.


Silly Picture

The Hein Family

We returned to the hotel and never got wet

As we finished our meal, the winds calmed and the rain stopped

We walked to the restuarant by the pier. It started to rain as we got there. It poured while we ate. The wind was tossing the palm trees back and forth

Jacie and Jeana were the first ones done

Dustin digs in

The meal was outstanding

James was ready for his lobster meal

Our final night was at The Lobster. Justin was ready with bucket and bibb.

A happy couple on the pier

John works in the third white building to the right

On the Santa Monica Pier

A veiw down the mall

Justin and Paige at UCLA Law School

What a nice pair.......of lemons

One of the attorneys at John's work gave us some large lemons from his lemon tree

We had a private room for dinner. It was a really elegant Steak House called THE BOA. Notice the wall of wine bottles behind me. We had plenty of wine at our disposal.

Musicians play for donations

Getting close for a picture

What a nice couple

On the promenade

Dad and Justin get some sun

The water was too cool for us, but some people were swimming

With the gang all here, we headed to the coast (as some Wisconsinites call it)

Justin and Paige eat their first LA meal

We all listen to Justin tell us of his journey from Philly to LA

Justin is suprised by the camera

We all were waiting to see Justin. He had jumped in the shower when he first got to the hotel. This looks like a game of Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, See No Evil.

Jeannie and I went for an early morning walk in the park. We sat down on a park bench under some palm trees. We were talking when all of a sudden, this large palm fell down from above us and landed right behind our bench. It made us both jump.

John's car pulling a U-turn in the middle of Ocean Blvd. (who is that driving?)

We all agreed that it was worth the wait but that our Wisconsin Dogs are just as good.